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Poems (Hardy)/To ———

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For works with similar titles, see To ———.
4641002Poems — To ——Irenè Hardy
TO ——
WHEN I behold thy spirit's lofty treeUnwithered, rich in leaf, and flower, and fruit,And know it has not place to strike a root,Except in fields of sorrow—griefs I seeAnd name not, death and loss,—my thought of theeMakes wreaths heroic; marveling, though muteBefore the strength that keeps a resoluteGreat soul unharmed of its integrity.Thou hast laid hold on some eternal rockOf truth and fearest no unseen disaster  Of time or tide; for grievous earthly things(Thou sayest still) are but for seasons, mockOur merely mortal part, and cannot master  What knows itself above the need of wings.