Poems (Harper, 1898)/Dandelions
Welcome children of the Spring, In your garbs of green and gold,Lifting up your sun-crowned heads On the verdant plain and wold.
As a bright and joyous troop From the breast of earth ye cameFair and lovely are your cheeks, With sun-kisses all aflame.
In the dusty streets and lanes, Where the lowly children play,There as gentle friends ye smile, Making brighter life's highway
Dewdrops and the morning sun, Weave your garments fair and bright,And we welcome you to-day As the children of the light.
Children of the earth and sun, We are slow to understandAll the richness of the gifts Flowing from our Father's hand.
Were our vision clearer far, In this sin-dimmed world of ours,Would we not more thankful be For the love that sends us flowers?
Welcome, early visitants, With your sun-crowned golden hair,With your message to our hearts Of our Father's loving care.