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Poems (Harper, 1898)/The Pure in Heart Shall See God

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4599765Poems — The Pure in Heart Shall See GodFrances Ellen Watkins Harper

The Pure in Heart Shall See God.
They shall see Him in the crimson flushOf morning's early light,In the drapery of sunset,Around the couch of night.
When the clouds drop down their fatness,In late and early rain,They shall see His glorious footprintsOn valley, hill and plain.
They shall see Him when the cycloneBreathes terror through the land;They shall see Him 'mid the murmursOf zephyrs soft and bland.
They shall see Him when the lips of health,Breath vigor through each nerve,When pestilence clasps hands with death,His purposes to serve.
They shall see Him when the trembling earthIs rocking to and fro;They shall see Him in the orderThe seasons come and go.
They shall see Him when the storms of warSweep wildly through the land;When peace descends like gentle dewThey still shall see His hand.
They shall see Him in the cityOf gems and pearls of light, They shall see Him in his beauty,And walk with Him in white.
To living founts their feet shall tend,And Christ shall be their guide,Beloved of God, their rest shall beIn safety by His side.