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Poems (Hazlett-Bevis)/Resignation

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Resignation.
4511100Poems — ResignationSophia Courtoulde Hazlett-Bevis
He knows; it rests so kindly there; All the doubt, the woe and the hungry despair Over at last, all the struggle and strife A settled calm on a turbulent life.
Hot eye& grow sadly patient the while, And the quivering lips have learned to smile: Pale hands have a sympathy all their own—Resigned, not turned to wood or stone.
Scars lie deep on the heart and brow; Nothing to hope or wish for now. Ages seem to have passed away Since the blow struck deep, one summer day.
All the bitterness washed away; No thought of anger to rankle or sway; Grief put aside for a holier thing—Such perfect peace as the angels sing.
Like the pulseless glow of a golden strand, The song without words from the organ grand. The frozen smile on the face of the dead, The perfume sweet from the floweret's head.
"A Resignation" pure doth teach, and Maketh a nobler human stand In the presence of Him who doth all things well, From ocean deep to its murmuring shell.