Poems (Hazlett-Bevis)/Smile and be Glad
Smile and be Glad.
Smile, tho' the heart be breaking; Smile, though the clouds droop low: Smile in the morn awak'ning, Smile when to rest you go.
Think of the day with gladness, Though toilful the hours and long; Banish all care and sadness; Lighten your labors with song.
Open the door of your sanctum, That "Holy of Holies"—the heart; Let in the sunshine that will come, And be of you ever a part.
Speak kindly words to the erring— Harsh one embitter the soul; Each to the other deferring, Holding o'er self full control.
Be content, be kind, be loving; Remember the shortness of life; It's not worth while to be proving— Constantly arguing with strife.
Every life hath its bitter As well as its sweets, to drain; It is not "all pomp and glitter," That's freeest from sorrow and pain.
The golden rule is the best one To follow the whole journey through: Do unto others as you alone Would have others do unto you."