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Poems (Henderson)/Apple Blossoms

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see Apple Blossoms.

Oh! snowy blooms, your faint perfume,
Your rose-tipped clusters sweet,
Have come again, and veiled the boughs,
O'er lanes where lovers meet.
Adown, the orchard's sloping green,
Lies hid in seas of white,
Your petals showering softly down,
In May-time's golden light.

Drift down, drift down, your shimmering bloom,
The fragrance of your golden hearts,
Oh! flowers of May, open thy leaves,
As ope's my tranced heart.
For Oh! thine odorous beauty,
Fills heart and soul with bliss,
'Twere worth a life of sighing,
To feel her rapturous kiss.

I bury in thy beauty,
Oh! blooms, my burning cheek,
The throbbing tide of ecstacy,
The joy I cannot speak.
For every star in heaven,
Burns deep with love-lit flame,
And every zephyr whispers,
To me, my darling's name.

Upon her snowy pillow,
She sleeps and dreams of me,
Oh! haste, Oh happy morrow,
That I her face may see.
I wonder if like me she lives,
In glorious aureole of light,
Because the morrow's sunshine brings,
Our bridal morning bright.