Poems (Henderson)/Columbus
For works with similar titles, see Columbus.

What triumph through the eastern globe, Thrilled, when triumphant sped,The story of that unknown land, Beyond Atlantic's flood.What changed aspect of men and things, What glory flashed through every heart,To know the mystery unveiled, That God's own hand had held apart.
But that great master hand that steered, His shifting bark o'er unknown seas,Lay fettered by the despot's chain, While other hands his treasure siezed.That mighty brain that planned the chart, Of that far land of gold,In prison cell neglected lay, In agony untold.
What though another name than thine, Was given to our glorious land,America forever views, Thee clasping freedom's Land, Her chaplet circling with the rays, Of God's own beams of light,Thy brow, that crowned with fadeless bays, Before Him shineth bright.