Poems (Henderson)/Faces
For works with similar titles, see Faces.
Faces, faces, strong true faces, That we trust, scarce knowing why,Impress of a noble manhood, Stamped on cheek, and brow, and
Faces, faces, scornful faces, Ye that stand, Oh! pray take heed,Lest ye fall, your feet entangled, In your own peculiar creed.
Faces, faces, wretched faces, Framed in jewels, and in laces,Oh! we meet them every day, Hurrying on to swift decay.
Faces, faces, pallid faces, Hollow-eyed, and drawn with pain,In some narrow garret striving, Lifes bare pittance for to gain.
Faces, faces, soulless faces, That familiar with disgraces, eye. Heed not pity's pleading cry, All unheeding passing by.
Faces, faces, God's own faces, Faces that our hearts will prize,When their curving lines of beauty, Faded are to other eyes.
Oh! the faces that we love, They will ever dawn and shine,To cheer us though the mortal imprint, Lies within the grave's dark shrine.