Poems (Himburg)/Life o'er
If we were to live our lives anew,There are many things we would not do.We would not speak a harmful word of anyone.That might be heard by man on earth or God above.
But if our lives we could live again, We would walk our paths with greater vim,And rejoice with all our fellowmen, Knowing that it surely pleaseth Him,Who is our guide to the path we choose.
Could we this journey brief remake,We would not need to claim mistakes.Nor scan the past, nor come to find,That we had failed to keep in line.
How many joys we'd sacrifice,Rather than pay the bitter priceOf having failed to do our share,Of bringing joy in everywhere.
If just once more we could live life o'er,We would speak to all as sister and brother.We would speak with a love that lies deep in the heart,Rejoicing to know we did our part.