Poems (Hoffman)/A Summer Morning
Welcome, glad morning, night's sable curtainRolls from the valley and mountains away;Bursts the great sun forth in glorious splendor,Herald of morning and king of the day!
Far in the distance the brooklet is singing,The honey-bee hums o'er the fair, fragrant flower,High in the tree-tops sweet bird songs are ringing;And far to the west the tall mountain-peaks tower.
Up in the oak tree, canaries sing gaily,Linnets perch, chirping, on trellis and wall;Sweet, merry warblers, ye gladden me, daily,As down from the tree-tops your merry notes fall.
Beautiful picture, mountain and green wood,Clad in rich robes, like a fairy-queen's song,Radiant Summer! to thy great storehouseAll of these beauties and wonders belong.