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Poems (Hoffman)/A Wish

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For works with similar titles, see A Wish.
4567673Poems — A WishMartha Lavinia Hoffman
I only ask a happy heart,And broader scope for true ambition;I would not want a nobler part,Or loftier position.
I would not dream in marble halls,Or waste my years in idle splendor;Not while a true Ambition calls,And angel guides attend her.
What is a crown, and what a throne,And what great wealth in golden coffers?Wisdom and happiness aloneLife's highest promise offers.
A crown may press a maddened brain,Despair lurk in a golden chalice;Gay pleasures hide a life of pain,A broken heart dwell in a palace.
I only ask for strength to toilAt some true work, a heart to love it;And that no cankering worm may spoilMy life fruit, when unworthy of it.
A happy, useful life will showItself reward for best endeavor;This be my choice, and then I knowIt shall go on forever.