Poems (Hoffman)/Be True
Though fortune frown on all thy cherished plans,Though fades the bow that life's horizon spans,Though promise withers on earth's barren sands, Be true.
Though friends forsake thee in thine hour of need,Though bruised and trodden like a broken reed,Thou shalt arise if every thought and deed Be true.
Not long to earth shall truth in sorrow cling,Not long on barren sands lie withering,Destined forever 'midst the stars to sing Be true.
Be true, for truth shall triumph in the end,Be true, for truth shall never lack a friend;If thou wouldst soar and evermore ascend, Be true.
Up rugged steeps thy weary feet may go,If thou wouldst hear the tempest beat below,If thou wouldst seas of endless sunshine know— Be true.
If thou wouldst face the lurid storm unawed,Rise from the foggy air and quaking sod,Unto thyself, thy calling and thy God, Be true.