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Poems (Hoffman)/Existence

From Wikisource
4567605Poems — ExistenceMartha Lavinia Hoffman

We waken vaguely, dreamily at first, as from a slumber deep,Waken to feel, to think, to love, to hate, to smile and weep;Waken to sin and sorrow, to a widening view   Of many things strange, wonderful and new;We take unsought what life hath dared to give,   To be, to do, to live;We question our existence, in reply   They tell us we must die.
We learn of God and man, of earth and heaven,Of evil punished and of wrong forgiven,Of an immortal life beyond the grave,Of One from heaven who came on earth to save;   We doubt or trust,We fall asleep, we slumber, we are dust.And is this all, O God, this petty play,   This drama of a day;This tragedy enacted o'er and o'erOf sin and grief and pain and little more?In Thy great heart, safe kept from wrangling strife,Thou hast the keys of life;Thine to explain the things half-understood.   Evil and goodRise up before us and demand our powers;   The choice is ours.