Poems (Hoffman)/Forget Not God
One prayer my heart would write in pearls,One wish in gold or jewels bright,And keep unmoved when life's mad whirlsCan never hurl it from God's sight; And this my heart's best prayer would be: "My God, may I remember Thee!"
The dizzy march of all things seen,The idle talk of all things heard,How high a wall they build betweenGod's children and His living word; 'Till wake they oft to reap regret Among the Nations who forget.
Goodness is the only greatness,Titled Infamy is small,Just as Truth's the only wisdom,Error nothing learned at all.
Whose is the hand so masterful that touched to life and beingSuch wondrous pictures everywhere that man is slow in seeing?Wherever human feet have trodAre beauteous paintings wrought of GodIn earth and air and ocean.
A villain may be a lover,A fraud brief service lend.But it takes the worth of this tired old earth,To make a lasting friend.
Up rugged steeps thy toilsome way must go,If thou wouldst heights of endless sunshine know.