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Poems (Hoffman)/In All Their Affliction He Was Afflicted

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by Martha Lavinia Hoffman
In All Their Affliction He Was Afflicted
4567698Poems — In All Their Affliction He Was AfflictedMartha Lavinia Hoffman
Thou, tempest tossed and wrecked in troubled waters,Hope's anchor cast, and wait the coming morn;In Bethlehem to Zion's troubled daughters,The Saviour Christ was born.
Unto Faith's starry vision is depictedThe sympathizing Saviour at thy side;He in all thy affliction is afflicted,The angel of His presence is thy guide.
Look up, tried soul, when in His love and pity,He who redeemed thee unto God from sin,Prepares a place within His holy cityWhere thou shalt enter in.
A rest, a refuge, midst those Heavenly places,The Saviour's love prepares;A waking to the light of loved lost faces,Unchanged save in the loss of earthly cares.
Shall we remember all the vain regrettingIn that bright world? Dark clouds that shadowed this?No; we shall waken to a glad forgettingOf everything save bliss.
For in Christ's presence can be felt no sorrow,Regrets behind or threatening fears before;To-day the cross with Him, but oh, to-morrowPleasures at His right hand forevermore!