Poems (Hoffman)/The Bird's Song
The corn is waving its silken flossIn the breeze that frolics the field acrossAnd the berries gleam with a richer hueAnd the grasses bend 'neath the morning due.And the Summer-Bride of the golden Sun,Her reign of beauty has just begun,Sweet roses strew the paths she treadsAnd millions of blossoms nod their headsAnd load the air with their sweet perfumeAnd earth is aglow with fruit and bloom;But best of all in yon leafy groveAre some little birds that I dearly love,They have opened their eyes to the sun-bright airAnd tasted the berries rich and rare. Oh! of all the joys, I think the best, Are the little birds in their cozy nest!
On a flowery twig I perch and sing:"Welcome, sweet Summer, good-bye, sweet Spring,'And I look on the heavens so high and bright,And I look on the meadows aglow with lightAnd plume my wings for the skies' bright towersThen pause to linger among the flowers, Oh, the earth is so fair I am happy to stay But the heavens are so bright I must fly away!