Poems (Hoffman)/The White Crane
Spread out thy ivory wings, bird of the waters,In shades the willow flings, some foeman loiters.Tempting the trout that swimUnder the boulder grim,Yet by the river's rimWait the sly plotters,Thou in the distance dimBird of the waters
Far down the placid stream fold each wide pinion,Or where in distance screams thy lone companion,Lonely beside her nestIn her white garments dressed,Stainless her- faithful breast,Or in the canyonMidst the tall ferns to restFold each wide pinion.
Oft have I watched thy tall form by the river,Where the long willows fall that the winds shiver,Stately, majestic, lone,Perched on a low-washed stoneWith mosses overgrown,By skill so cleverCatching the fish that comeDown the clear river.
Where is thy lonely nest deep in seclusion?Where mayst thou turn to rest safe from intrusion?Where is thy hidden haunt,Secure from fear or want, Close by some ferny fontFar from confusion,Shut in by tree-trunks gaunt,Deep in seclusion?
O, in some distant marsh, midst the tall grassesWhere thy cry shrill and harsh through the trees passes,Where the bright musk-flowers bloom,Shedding their quaint perfume,Flaming the twilight gloom,No stranger guessesWhere folds each ivory plumeMidst the tall grasses!
Art thou a hermit lone, stranger so stately,Long to our stream unknown, coming so latelyVenturing forth for foodVainly our gaze elude?Some with intent most rudeTo harm thee greatlyOn thy calm peace intrudeStranger so stately.
Back then lone anchorite, bird of the waters,Spread thy broad wings for flight from the sky plotters;Man has thy solace soughtIn lonely tower or grotLiving in silent thought'Till his tower totters,Thine is of grasses wroughtBird of the waters.