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Poems (Holley)/Genieve to her Lover

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by Marietta Holley
Genieve to her Lover
4598185Poems — Genieve to her LoverMarietta Holley
I turn the key in this idle hourOf an ivory box, and looking, lo—See only dust—the dust of a flower;The waters will ebb, the waters will flow,And dreams will come, and dreams will go,          Forever.
Oh, friend, if you and I should meetBeneath the boughs of the bending lime,Should you in the same low voice repeatThe tender words of the old love rhyme,It could not bring back the same old time,          Never.
When you laid this rose against my brow,I was quite unused to the ways of men,With my trusting heart; I am wiser now,So I smile, remembering my heart-throbs then,The dust of a rose cannot blossom again,          Never.
The brow that you praised has colder grown,And hearts will change, I suppose they must, A rose to be lasting, should blossom in stone,Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,Dead are the rose, the love, and the trust,          Forever.