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Poems (Holmes)/On the Death of an Infant

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For works with similar titles, see On the Death of an Infant.
by Alice Ann Holmes
On the Death of an Infant
4689171Poems — On the Death of an InfantAlice Ann Holmes

On the Death of on Infant,
Dear infant, though thy playful smileIs checked by Death's pale stealthy form,Who locks thee in his cold embrace,And we its loss do deeply mourn; For oft it cheered our saddened heartsWhen o'er them, care dark shadows flung,As morning's light illumes the skyWith night's black curtain overhung:—
Yet to a brighter, fairer world,Thy gentle spirit wings its way,Where saints their praise with angels joinTo Him whose mercy crowns each day.Though in the tomb thy beauty fades,As flow'rets nipped by winter's breath,Yet thou in yonder spirit-landWilt bloom all free from pain and death.
Where from the pure celestial springsBright streams of living waters flow,And fragrant amaranthine flowersOn trees of life immortal grow.Then go, dear infant, and enjoyThe bliss that is to angels given,And in our hearts thy smile shall dwellTill we shall meet again in heaven.