Poems (Hooper)/Nemesis
For works with similar titles, see Nemesis.
Come and let me look upon your face, Azure eyes, bright hair, and brow of snow;For your beauty I have sold my soul. Were you worth it, love? I do not know.
I had friends once, faithful, tried, and true, Friends who loved me in the long ago;Now unrecognized I pass them by. Were you worth it, love? I do not know.
Once Ambition lured me, and I saw Fame's bright guerdons in the future glow;'Neath your smile the bays ungathered died. Were you worth it, love? I do not know.
Then my country claimed me, and my heart Answered to the battle-call, "I go!"'Twas your snowy arms that held me back. Were you worth it, love? I do not know.
Once I had a vision of a home And a fond wife spotless as the snow;I have you now, and the scorn of men. Were you worth it, love? I do not know.
Ne'er for me shall Honor weave her wreath, Ne'er for me a happy hearth shall glow;Mine are sin and shame, and you, dear, you. Were you worth it, love? Alas, I know!