Poems (Hornblower)/Christian Consolation
When doubts and fears assail my soul,Which trembling owns their dark control;When sorrows thicken o'er my head,And when my path with clouds is spread;When earthly hope has passed away,And friendship sheds a fainter ray;Oh! in that hour of deep distress,Where shall I seek for happiness?I'll seek it in the lowly cot,In blessing the lone sufferer's lot:I'll seek it by the dying bed,Where Christian peace I'll strive to shed;I'll seek it in the humble prayer,With which I soothe the breast of care;I'll seek it where the tear-drop flows,With me, more gently, o'er its woes.Ah yes! compassion's tender trainMay bring me back my peace again. I will not brood o'er selfish loss,Though mine to bear the bitter cross;I will not meditate my grief,When wretchedness demands relief;The ministry of love is mine;The aim, the hope, the deed divine,To bless, to comfort, and to save—I render all to Him who gave!