Poems (Hornblower)/Lines (An apparition passed me by)
For works with similar titles, see Lines.
An apparition passed me by, It was the shade of Time,And still, with cold, relentless eye, He fled from clime to clime;And as lie fled, he bore a throngOn his resistless path along.
The proud, the high before him bowed, And beauty bent her head;And of that great, that haughty crowd All gazed on him with dread;Even they who mocked him paled with fear.While gazing on his wild career.
He passed—and nations sunk away Into oblivion's deep;While youth, in its meridian day, Went to its dreamless sleep;The mourner bent to pour her tear—He came—she was no longer there!
The bright rose fled the radiant brow, And every matchless grace,And tresses whiter than the snow Shaded the lovely face;The form elate in youthful prideBent to the faintest blast that sighed.
Yet 'midst that rushing throng I met One face all calm and sweet;No cloud was there of vain regret, No step that would retreat—Undaunted there that meek form stood,Fearless in its own sanctitude.
The vision came, and brighter light Shone from that glorious eye,And crimsoned with divine delight The cheek of pallid dye;As the dark wings rushed on the blast,Amidst his blissful smiles they passed.