Poems (Hornblower)/Sonnet (Upon the hill of Mars the Apostle trod)

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For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
4559284Poems — SonnetJane Elizabeth Roscoe Hornblower
Upon the hill of Mars the Apostle trod,
And cried aloud, with the Athenians round—
Ye men of Athens, as I past, I found
Inscribed an altar, 'To the unknown God!'
Whom thus ye worship, ignorantly awed,
Him I declare to you!—The mighty One,
The Lord of heaven and earth, who dwells alone.
Not in the temples made with hands—Him laud
And glorify, and praise; who giveth breath,
And life, and all things—who one blood hath given
To every separate nation under heaven;
And set the bounds of time, and change, and death—
The living God! O!lift your eyes to Him,
Who is not far 'from each, although your sight bedim.