Poems (Jackson)/In April
For works with similar titles, see In April.
There 's a maple-bud redder to-day; It will almost flower to-morrow;I could swear 't was only yesterdayIn a sheath of snow and ice it lay,With fierce winds blowing it every way; Whose surety had it to borrow, Till birds should fly past, And chimes ring fast,And the long spring shadows sweet shadow cast?
"Was there ever a day like to-day, So clear, so shining, so tender?"The old cry out; and the children say,With a laugh, aside: "That's always the wayWith the old, in spring; as long as they stay, They find in it greater splendor, When the birds fly past, And the chimes ring fast,And the long spring shadows sweet shadow cast!"
Then that may be why my thoughts all day— I see I am old, by the token—Are so haunted by sounds, now sad, now gay,Of the words I hear the sparrows say,And the maple-bud's mysterious way By which from its sheath it has broken, While the birds fly past, And the chimes ring fast,And the long spring shadows sweet shadow cast!