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Poems (Jackson)/Love's Largess

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4579707Poems — Love's LargessHelen Hunt Jackson
AT my heart's doorLove standeth, like a king besideHis royal treasury, whose wideGates open swing, and cannot hide     Their priceless store.
     His touch and holdIts common things to jewels turned;In his sweet fires the dross he burnedAway; and thus he won and earned     And made its gold.
     So rich I findMyself in service of this king,The goods we spare, in alms I fling;And breathless days too few hours bring     Me to be kind.
     To souls whose painMy heart can scarcely dare to greetWith pity, while my own completeAnd blessed joy their loss must mete     By my great gain.
     Diviner airOf beauty, and a grace more free,More soft and solemn depths I seeIn every woman's face, since he     Has called me fair,
     More true and sureEach man's heart seems, more firm for right;Each man I hold more strong in fight,Since he stands ever in my sight,     So brave, so pure.
     More of sun's fireThan days can use, and more than nightsCan name, of stars with rhythmic lights,And sweetest singing flocks, whose flights     Can never tire,—
     More bloom than eyesCan reach, or hands to grasp may dare,—More music in the constant air,Than each round wave can hold and bear,     Before it dies,—
     And more of lifeFor living, than all death can kill,More good than evil's utmost willCan thwart, and peace to more than still     The fiercest strife—
     All these I findIn service of this gracious king;From goods we spare, such alms I fling;And pray swift days more hours to bring,     More bonds to bind.
     O happiness!To utter thee, in vain our eyesSeek tears; and vainly all speech tries;This thing alone our king denies     In Love's largess.