WHEREFORE thus, apart with drooping wingsThou stillest, saddest angel,With hidden face, as if but bitter thingsThou hadst, and no evangelOf good tidings?Thou know'st that through our tearsOf hasty, selfish weeping,Comes surer sun; and for our petty fearsOf loss, thou hast in keepingA greater gain than all of which we dreamed.Thou knowest that in graspingThe bright possessions which so precious seemed,We lose them; but, if claspingThy faithful hand, we tread with steadfast feetThe path of thy appointing,There waits for us a treasury of sweetDelight; royal anointingWith oil of gladness and of strength!With oil of gladness and of strength!O, thingsOf Heaven, Christ's evangelBearing, call us with shining face and poised wings,Thou sweetest, dearest angel!