Poems (Jackson)/The Loneliness of Sorrow
RIENDS crowd around and take it by the hand,Intruding gently on its loneliness,Striving with word of love and sweet caressTo draw it into light and air. Like bandOf brothers, all men gather close, and standAbout it, making half its grief their own,Leaving it never silent nor alone.
But through all crowds of strangers and of friends,Among all voices of good-will and cheer,Walks Sorrow, silently, and does not hear.Like hermit whom mere loneliness defends;Like one born deaf, to whose still ear sound sendsNo word of message; and like one born dumb,From whose sealed lips complaint can never come.
Majestic in its patience, and more sweetThan all things else that can of souls have birth,Bearing the one redemption of this earthWhich God's eternities fulfil, complete,Down to its grave, with steadfast, tireless feetIt goes uncomforted, serene, alone,And leaves not even name on any stone.