Poems (Jenkins)/The House by the Highway
The House by the Highway
ALL night, from the quiet street Comes the sound, without pause or break Of the marching legions' feet To listeners lying awake.
Their faces may none descry; Night folds them close like a pall; But the feet of them passing by Tramp on the hearts of all.
What comforting makes them strong? What trust and what fears have they That march without music or song To death at the end of the way?
What faith in our victory? What hopes that beguile and bless? What heaven-sent hilarity? What mirth and what weariness?
What valour from vanished years In the heart of youth confined? What wellsprings of unshed tears For the loves they leave behind?
No sleep, my soul to befriend; No voice, neither answering light! But darkness that knows no end And feet going by in the night.