Poems (Jordan)/"Christ, or Barabbas?"
"Brothers! Whom will ye I shall release unto you?" Still the same old question of each other, we ask.Do ye demand release of that robber, Sin, who Doth steal Life's best treasures?—foe 'neath a friendly mask!
Or shall I release Him who giveth all good, Freely to all men, whatever their need;Who once in Earth's judgment hall as Prisoner stood, That He for His accusers might silently plead?
The one or the Other I must unto you yield; The partaker with you of all pleasureful sin;Or the Love which is willing, on Life's battle-field, To suffer and die your salvation to win!
Oh, brothers, I choose to give the Helper to all; Him would I release to your needing, alway;For whichever you may in your ignorance, call, I would yield through my life-doors, the Christ, ev'ry day!