Poems (Jordan)/"Earth has no Forever"
Or sweet success, or dire defeat Attend sincere endeavor,They each to us the truth repeat— "This earth has no forever."
Or if by Joy's or Sorrow's cup Our hearts are set a-quiver,We taste of each the final drop, For "earth has no forever."
Ah, no forever, e'en the night, Whose hours are anguish-freighted,Must pass to bring the morning light, So longingly awaited!
Though Change may scatter all our plans, And though our courage waver,Thus chant the winds of Circumstance,— "This earth has no forever!"
'Tis good to know, 'mid bliss or pain, 'Mid Hope's consuming fever,And when Despair clasps heart and brain, That "earth has no forever!"
And though the chilly hand of Death Love-wedded lives may sever,Hearts bolder tread Earth's broken path Knowing 'tis not forever!
But, best of all,—we thank thee, Lord, That Earth and Death can neverBlot from Faith's sight thy precious word Which offers Heav'n's forever!