Poems (Jordan)/A Word
Born of the spirit of Feeling, And of intangible Thought,Mysterious is thy dealing With what our motives have wrought!
Servant of every Meaning;— Whether thou voicest a tear,Or when some joy desires screening, Thou shapest its mask to wear.
Strange offspring of Thought and Feeling; The slave and the master of Fate;—Love sends thee to minister healing, Or thou comest to wound, from Hate.
Child of innermost Thought and Feeling,— Thy parents too often unknown,Because thou comest concealing Those features which mark thee their own!
Orphan of Thought and Feeling, Adopted by Selfishness,Thy presence is ever revealing What thou would'st have it suppress!
Father of sequences lasting, Thou can'st not thy children recall;Forth they go blessing or blasting, Wherever their footsteps fall!