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Poems (Jordan)/Friends

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For works with similar titles, see Friends.
4640230Poems — FriendsRebecca Queen Jordan
Though years may stretch their lives between,True friends must surely meet,And recognize each other, whenThey face to face shall greet.They know by subtle inner sense;By touch of soul to soul;By Life's unerring evidence—Two halves shall make a whole.
'Tis quite impossible to makeAcquaintances as friends;Such lives but cross because they takeOne road tow'rd diff'rent ends.Ah, lives in truth, must fitly meet,And journey side by side,Each one the other makes complete,And naught can them divide.
New friends an introduction needOutside our life's closed door;Not so with spirits Love has wed,They always know before;Their introduction is within,And needs no outward sign,For hearts their wedded years beginWhen God their lives doth join.
And friends can never, never part,Though miles may lie between,They still are close in mind and heartAs they have ever been,For "what they are to us, is there,"As one has said, "alway."If not all time, all life we shareIn an unbroken day.
We have real kinsfolk, ev'rywhere,Upon the unmapped globe,Our soul's true life with us they shareUnmasked of fleshly robe;—Some here; some just beyond our sight,To wait till they may bidUs welcome to that land of light,Now by Earth's shadows hid.