Poems (Jordan)/Mystery
For works with similar titles, see Mystery.
Back of the beautiful the beauty hides, And held is the known by the knowing;And an unmarked pulsebeat of Life divides 'Twixt Time's pendulum's coming and going.
Back of all need is the appetite, And between it and God's providingIs Hunger—able to guide us aright Where'er the supply may be hiding!
Back of the thought is the meaning which molds; And 'tween the thought and its voicing,Invisible force full expression holds As lurks between joy and rejoicing.
Back of aspiration a shaping hand, And back of its guidance the guiding;And when the place is reached where we would stand, Lo, what supports it, 'tis hiding!
All life is circled by the consciousness That, back of things we are seeing,Is a power too great for them to express,— But what gave that power being?
Mysterious Life! which all living holds, What power thyself is clasping?Life answers: 'Tis thus God Himself unfolds, For Faith's upreaching and grasping.