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Poems (Jordan)/The Rainbow

From Wikisource
For works with similar titles, see The Rainbow.
4640227Poems — The RainbowRebecca Queen Jordan
Turquoise; topaz; emerald;Pearl; rose; opal; amethyst,By each other paralleledIn a Creature of the Mist.
But what is this wondr'ous Thing,—Tinted feather of the light,Dropt unheeded from his wingBy the Sun in sudden flight?
Is't some dainty flower formBlown from garden tempest-ploughed,Or his seven-stringed lyre, the Storm—His song done—leaned on the cloud?
Loosened jewels fallen thereFrom the Day-king's diadem,—Or lace, wrought of light and air,'Broidered on his garment's hem?
Or is it the mystic chainFettering the Sun's fleet foot,'Gainst the which he strives in vainTo escape the Earth's pursuit?
Nay, 'tis his baptismal gownWhich, 'ere he his throne shall mount,Carefully the Sun lays downAs he rises from the fount.
And, for ages Storm and SunHave together fashioned This—This unfailing, All-in-OneSymbol of God's faithfulness!