Poems (Jordan)/Unvoiced
My heart, mute-born, can never voice Its mighty love for you;But since Earth silent pow'rs employs Her greatest works to do,May I not on Love's strength dependTo make you comprehend?
Soundless the artist's busy brush Upon space-easeled skies,And noiselessly the flowers rush— Besplashed with sun-spilt dyes!To drink perfume from earthen jarsUnder the rainbow bars.
The hidden forces are the strong; Their tools give forth no soundAnd Love has never found a tongue For feelings most profound,Oh, why, since lips cannot express,Reject the heart's caress?
Methinks as objects visible But chisel chips from Space,So words which would Love's message tell Must some of it erase.When Love provides the heart's repast,Tis well the lips should fast.
Then doubt me not, but rather know The love that lies unspeeched,Must e'er abide in depths below The depths e'en thought has reached!Hearts have no language all their own,Else you the truth had known!
Sometime a nightless day shall rise, Unveiling heart to heart;Then scales shall drop from holden eyes, And Life-walls fall apart,—Then all life's silences shall tellMy love unspeakable!