Poems (Kimball)/"Christ is born of Blessed Mary"
CHRIST is born of Blessed Mary! Sing the wondrous Life begun!Man Divine and God Incarnate! Israel, lo! thy Holy One!Now fulfilled the Prophet's vision! See the Child, the Lord of all, Stript, indeed, of Heavenly splendor, Choosing for His couch a stall. Hail, Messiah, Hail! All Hail!
Thou, O Israel's God and Saviour, Verily Thyself dost hide; Clad in flesh, disguised in weakness, All Thou hast by earth supplied. Very God from everlasting As a helpless Babe revealed, Mary's breast Thy transient pillow, Mary's arms Thy only shield! Hail, Emmanuel, Hail! All Hall!
Wonderful the Seer proclaimed Thee, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace,King whose everlasting Kingdom Shall forevermore increase!Yet no royal sign or title Could Thy boundless grace declare Like that Name of endless sweetness Thou for us alone dost bear. Jesus, Jesus, Hail! All Hail!
Jesus!—Saviour of His People! Jesus!—Shepherd of His Flock!Well of Life, and Hidden Manna; Wayside Strength and Tower of Rock, Jesus, see Thy Church adoring Prostrate at Thine infant feet, Her Redeemer's praise outpouring In that Name of Names most sweet! Jesus, Jesus, Hail! All Hail!