Poems (Lewis)/To the Hon. Charles W. S—.
While Youth's gay visions charm your view;While Health and Strength and Peace are yours;While Fortune's smile for all you do,The venal World's applause secures;
While Honour guides your steps to Fame,And Pleasure strows your couch with flowers,Friendship withdraws her humbler claim,And yields to Love and War your hours.
But should the world applaud no more,Or fleeting Health elude your arms;Should Slander make your feelings sore,Or withering Glory lose her charms;
Or should some Syren drop her mask,Whose arts had made your soul her slave,Oh! then, my Charles, be mine the taskTo ease the pain, which others gave.
As o'er the sky does Solar LightAt morn diffuse a brilliant blaze,So Love and Fame with splendour brightGild Man-the-Pilgrim's youthful days:
But when those splendours disappear,And night and grief their place assume,Mild rises Friendship's Moon, to chearAnd guide the Wanderer through the gloom.