Poems (Linn)/The Rosicrucian's Lamp
IN some old tomb beneath blue southern skies, Was found a wondrous lamp, with wick aflame,That had been burning twice six hundred years, Above some hero of an ancient name.
From gold this oil of everlasting life Was made by some famed, mystic brotherhood,That held the secrets of life's hidden powers, Whose magic, strength of time and change withstood.
In life's great crucible my gold I cast, My heart's gold, and the ruddy fire of painHas claimed 1t, and has melted and refined, And given back the precious wealth again.
Now I will light my lamp that shall not pale, But burn unchecked through many changing years,Above the tomb where I have laid the past, Where I have left the heart-ache and the fears.
O lamp of hope! your beauty shall not dim; O lamp of faith! your brightness shall endure;O lamp of trust! I will not be afraid While life is lighted by a-flame so pure.