Poems (Loveman)/From Heine
Shadow-loves and shadow-kisses,Shadow-life—O sweet, sweet, sweet!Did you think that all your blissesWould not fleet?Those we love and fain would cherishVanish like the dreamful past,And the heart itself must perishAnd the eyelids close at last.
The world is so sweetAnd the sky is so blue,The roses are drunkenWith dreamless dew—Yet I would be at restOn some dead love's breast.
The roses bud and blossom, And wither on the heath;They bud and blossom and wither And that's the way of death.
I know this and all my pleasure, Loses its love and zest,My heart is so bright and witty, And yet it bleeds in my breast.
My songs, my songs are poison'd, How could it be otherwise?You have poured your glowing venom Into their melodies.
My songs, my songs are poison'd, How could it be otherwise?My heart holds many serpents And your sweet eyes.
Death is the cool sweet night, they say,And life but the breath of a sultry day;It darkens and sleep has come desired,The day has made me tired. Over my bed thro' the treetops pale,I hear the song of a nightingale,She sings, she sings of love and laughter,I listen, but the tears come after.
VI.Ilse.I am the Princess Ilse, And I live at Ilsenstein;O come with me to my palace, And you shall be only mine.
Over my snow-white shoulders, And by my ivory side,You shall love to the world's end Whatever the woe betide.
And I shall love you and kiss you, And love you and kiss you again,As I did to the Emperor Heinrich, That princeliest of men.
The dead are dead forever, And only the living live,But I am youth and beauty, Eternal the joy I give.
And only my arms shall enfold you, And only your lips shall know,What I did to the Emperor Heinrich, When he heard his trumpets blow.