Poems (McDonald)/The Land of Joy

"The inhabitants of this country (Zinge) are never afflicted with sadness or melancholy."

Notes To Lalla Rookh.

Bear me to that blest place! That home of cheerful hearts and tearless eyes Whereon no shadow lies, And where no sorrow leaves its wonted trace.
This is a land of care!Tears dim the eye, and cheeks are early pale: Grief is on every gale;—But that bright shore—have they no sorrow there?
Do they not mourn the dead?Do not the lovely pass like ours away? Do they not weep by day, And through the night toss on a sleepless bed?
Do they not part for years, As we do, from the beings loved the best? And can they, do they rest, With no vain longings, no dark bitter fears?
Are they not called to keep Long weary vigils by the couch of pain? Have they ne'er watched in vain For th' awakening from that dreamless sleep?
Oh! Are they so much blest!While here we combat with unending care? Then bear me, bear me there—Give me in that bright land, a home, a rest!
Imaginary spot!There cannot be on earth such place of peace, Where joys can ne'er decrease, Where cares, and tears, and sorrows, enter not!
Be still, then, panting heart!Forbear thy longing for such blest abode, And struggle on, till God Shall bid thee to a better rest depart.