Poems (Merrill)/Look Up
(Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.)
'Tis dreary now, a snowy shroud Lies white upon the ground;While fierce and wild the piercing blast With chilling notes resound.
No songs of birds—No crickets chirp, No busy hum of beesEre floats aloft.—The Wood-nymphs sleep Within the leafless trees.
All Nature's works now dormant lie 'Neath pure, white cover lid;The violets nestle snug and warm Prom harm securely hid.
List! Spring has sent her harbinger— And laden with garlands, she bringsPerfumes that are sweet as the breath of the dawn On the sheen of her beautiful wings.
Soft winds will follow in her wake And put to flight the snow—The bird-songs sweet will soon be heard In cadence soft and low.
Then do not e'er grieve for adverse Conditions that exist,—The sun will show its sovereign power And drive away the mist!
Why reck we then tho' storms assail And winds hold wild career? Look up! and feel within your heart That Summer now is here.
Dispel the morbid sense of gloom! The bleak earth soon anew Shall bloom again, like flowerets fair Kissed by the summer dew.