Poems (Osgood)/A Song (I turn'd from the monitor)

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For works with similar titles, see A Song.
4444863Poems — A SongFrances Sargent Osgood

I turn'd from the monitor,—smiled at the warning
That whisper'd of doubt—of desertion to me;
I heard of thy falsehood, the dark rumor scorning,
I gave up the soul of my soul unto thee!

Too wildly I worshipp'd thy mind-illumed beauty;
Too fondly I cherish'd my dream of thy truth;
Forgetting, in thee, both my pride and my duty,
I made thee the god of my passionate youth!

And dearly and deeply I rue that devotion,—
Thou hast broken the heart that beat only for thee
Not even thy voice can now wake an emotion;
I am calm as thyself while I bid thee "be free!"