Poems (Osgood)/May-Day in New England
Can this be May? Can this be May?We have not found a flower to-day!We roam'd the wood—we climb'd the hill— We rested by the rushing rill— And lest they had forgot the day, We told them it was May, dear May! We call'd the sweet wild blooms by name— We shouted, and no answer came! From smiling field, or solemn hill— From rugged rock, or rushing rill— We only bade the pretty pets Just breathe from out their hiding-places; We told the little light coquettes They needn't show their bashful faces,—"One sigh," we said, "one fragrant sigh, We'll soon discover where you lie !" The roguish things were still as death— They wouldn't even breathe a breath. Alas! there's none so deaf, I fear, As those who do not choose to hear!
We wander'd to an open place, And sought the sunny buttercup— That, so delighted, in your face gust like a pleasant smile looks up. We peep'd into a shady spot To find the blue "Forget-me-not!" At last a far-off voice we heard, A voice as of a fountain-fall, That softer than a singing-bird, Did answer to our merry call! So wildly sweet the breezes brought That tone in every pause of ours, That we, delighted, fondly thought It must be talking of the flowers! We knew the violets loved to hide The cool and lulling wave beside:— With song, and laugh, and bounding feet, And wild hair wandering on the wind, We swift pursued the murmurs sweet; But not a blossom could we find;—The cowslip crocus columbine The violet, and the snow-drop fine, The orchis 'neath the hawthorn-tree, The blue-bell, and anemone, The wild-rose, eglantines and daisy, Where are they all?—they must be lazy! Perhaps they're playing "Hide and seek"— Oh, naughty flowers! why don't you speak . We have not found a flower to-day,— They surely cannot know 'tis May!
You have not found a flower to-day!— Whats that upon your cheek, I pray?A blossom pure, and sweet, and wild, And worth all Nature's blooming wealth Not all in vain your search, my child!— You've found at least the rose of health! The golden buttercup, you say, That like a smile illumes the way, Is nowhere to be seen to-day. Fair child! upon that beaming face A softer, lovelier smile I trace; A treasure, as the sunshine bright,—A g]ow of love and wild delight!Then pine no more for Nature's toy—You've found at least the flower of joy. Yes! in a heart so young and gay, And kind as yours, 'tis always May! For gentle feelings, love, are flowers That bloom thro' life's most clouded hours! Ah! cherish them, my happy child, And check the weeds that wander wild; And while their stainless wealth is given, In incense sweet, to earth and heaven, No longer will you need to say—"Can this be May? Can this be May?"