Poems (Piatt)/Volume 2/Two Visions of Fairyland
One with her blue, faint eyes could dream too much;One, rosily sun-stained, wanted things to touch.
She met him on the stair with half a blush:"How late you sleep!" he said. She whispered "Hush;
"I read that painted book last night, and soI dreamed about Prince Charming"———"Did you, though?
"Why, I was wide awake in time to seeAll Fairyland! I wish you'd been with me."
"What was it like?" Oh, it was green and still,With rocks and wild red roses and a hill,
"And some shy birds that sang far up the air—And such a river, all in mist, was there."
"Where was it?" Why the moon went down on oneSide, and upon the other rose the sun!"
"How does one get there?" "Oh, the path lies throughThe dawn, you little sleeper, and the dew."