Poems (Pizey)/Reflections on the same Subject

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by Susanna Pizey
Reflections on the same Subject
4616138Poems — Reflections on the same SubjectSusanna Pizey

Oh Fate, thou art indeed too cruel now,
To rob me of this envied treasure,
To doom me thus to live an age of woe,
For a few fleeting years of pleasure.

And must I still this sad existence bear,
And all my joys so soon, alas! resign?
And nurture with deep thought the worm of care,
To feed upon this youthful heart of mine?

Is there no refuge in the grave for me,
Where now my flower of peace so faded lies?
Be still, my heart, the hand of Mercy see,
For 'tis thy God requires the sacrifice.

Blessings thou dost not merit still are thine,
And shall not he who gave recal again?
Then cease thy fears and doubts, nor dare repine;
He who inflicts the wound can ease the pain.