Poems (Pizey)/To Hope

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4616153Poems — To HopeSusanna Pizey

Bright sun of Hope! expand thy cheering rays,
Rise, rise triumphant over sorrow's cloud;
Diffuse thy cheering influence o'er my days,
And gild with thy gay beams life's thorny road:

Shone o'er my path—strew it with fancied flow'rs,
And hide the thorn, if I the thorn must find.
Bright sun of Hope! disperse the storm that low'rs
In threat'ning vengeance o'er my wounded mind.

Let thy sweet colours blend with sorrow's tear,
And form a beauteous rainbow to my sight,
And as each glowing tint shall disappear,
Bright sun of Hope! expand thy cheering light.

And when the evening of my life shall come,
And the frail breath this feeble heart shall leave,
Shine o'er my passage to the silent tomb,
Bright sun of Hope! and gild my latest eve.