Poems (Procter)/A Legend

"Still let the glory, Lord, be thine alone,"— So prayed the Monk, his heart absorbed in praise:"Thine be the glory: if my hands have sown The harvest ripened in Thy mercy's rays,It was Thy blessing, Lord, that made my word,Bring light and love Yo every soul that heard.
"O Lord, I thank Thee that my feeble strength Has been so blest; that sinful hearts and coldWere melted at my pleading,—knew at length How sweet Thy service and how safe Thy fold:While souls that loved Thee saw before them riseStill holier heights of loving sacrifice."
So prayed the Monk: when suddenly he heard An angel speaking thus: "Know, O my Son,Thy words had all been vain, but hearts were stirred, And saints were edified, and sinners won,By his, the poor lay Brother's humble aidWho sat upon the pulpit stair and prayed."