Poems (Procter)/Beyond
For works with similar titles, see Beyond.

Earth's lower things—her pride, her fame, her science, learning, wealth, and power—Slow growths that through long ages came, or fruits of some convulsive hour,Whose very memory must decay—Heaven is too pure for such as they.
They are complete: their work is dome. So let them sleep in endless rest.Love's life is only here begun, nor is, nor can be, fully blest;It has no room to spread its wings, amid this crowd of meaner things.
Just for the very shadow thrown upon its sweetness here below,The cross that it must bear alone, and bloody baptism of woe,Crowned and completed through its pain, we know that it shall rise again.
So if its flame burn pure and bright, here, where our air is dark and dense,And nothing in this world of night lives with a living so intense;When it shall reach its home at length—how bright its light! how strong its strength!
And while the vain weak loves of earth (for such base counterfeits abound)Shall perish with what gave them birth—their graves are green and fresh around,No funeral song shall need to rise for the true Love that never dies.
If in my heart I now could fear that, risen again, we should not knowWhat was our Life of Life when here,—the hearts we loved so much below,—I would arise this very day, and cast so poor a thing away.
But Love is no such soulless clod: living, perfected it shall riseTransfigured in the light of God, and giving glory to the skies:And that which makes this life so sweet shall render Heaven's joy complete.