Poems (Procter)/Maximus
ANY, if God should make them kings, Might not disgrace the throne He gave;How few who could as well fulfil The holier office of a slave!
I hold him great who, for Love's sake, Can give, with generous, earnest will,—Yet he who takes for Love's sweet sake, I think I hold more generous still.
I prize the instinct that can turn From vain pretence with proud disdain;Yet more I prize a simple heart Paying credulity with pain.
I bow before the noble mind That freely some great wrong forgives;Yet nobler is the one forgiven, Who bears that burden well, and lives.
It may be hard to gain, and still To keep a lowly steadfast heart;Yet he who loses has to fill A harder and a truer part.
Glorious it is to wear the crown Of a deserved and pure success;—He who knows how to fail has won A Crown whose lustre is not less.
Great may he be who can command And rule with just and tender sway;Yet is diviner wisdom taught Better by him who can obey
Blessed are those who die for God, And earn the Martyr's crown of light;Yet he who lives for God may be A greater Conqueror in His sight.