Poems (Procter)/Our Titles
RE we not Nobles? we who trace Our pedigree so highThat God for us and for our race Created Earth and Sky,And Light and Air and Time and Space, To serve us and then die.

Are we not Princes? we who stand As heirs beside the Throne;We who can call the promised Land Our Heritage, our own;And answer to no less command Than God's, and His alone.
Are we not Kings? both night and day, From early until late,About our bed, about our way, A guard of Angels wait;And so we watch and work and pray In more than royal state.
Are we not holy? Do not start: It is God's sacred willTo call us Temples set apart His Holy Ghost may fill:Our very food . . . . O hush, my Heart, Adore IT and be still!
Are we not more? our Life shall be Immortal and divine. The nature Mary gave to Thee, Dear Jesus, still is Thine;Adoring in Thy Heart, I see Such blood as beats in mine.
O God, that we can dare to fail, And dare to say we must!O God, that we can ever trail Such banners in the dust,Can let such starry honors pale, And such a Blazon rust!
Shall we upon such Titles bring The taint of sin and shame?Shall we, the children of the King Who hold so grand a claim,Tarnish by any meaner thing The glory of our name?